Our Journey & Vision

Our Mission

Welcome to the Citrus County Family Resource Center, an organization built on compassion, tenacity, and a profound commitment to the community. From family support to aid for those experiencing homelessness, our purpose is rooted in the belief that every individual deserves respect, dignity, and the opportunity to thrive.

At the Citrus County Family Resource Center, our mission is to uplift individuals and families in our community through compassionate service and practical support. We strive to provide resources to those in need, foster community connections, and ensure that every individual we serve feels valued and supported. As an extension of our beloved founder, Ginger West’s vision, we continue to serve as a beacon of hope in Citrus County.

Our Core Values

An icon of a hand holding a heart
Compassionate Service:
We treat everyone we serve with respect, understanding, and empathy, aiming to provide tailored support that addresses their unique needs.
An icon of people standing together
Community Connection:
We believe in the power of community. By fostering strong connections among individuals, families, and local organizations, we create a collective impact.
An icon of a heart
Dignity and Value:
Every person matters. We are committed to recognizing the inherent worth of every individual, ensuring they feel valued and respected in their interactions with us.

Every Family


Welcome to Ours

Our story began with the incredible Ginger West, a beacon of hope and resilience, who, along with her late husband, John West, founded the Citrus County Foster Parents Association. Inspired by her steadfast belief in the power of love and compassion, Ginger established the Citrus County Family Resource Center. Known affectionately as the “Chief Elf,” Ginger was committed to ensuring no child in Citrus County would go without presents under the Christmas tree.

A mother to five children and a foster mother to over 300 children, Ginger wore many hats with grace, strength, and unyielding dedication. She embodied the essence of selfless service, always prioritizing the needs of others over her own. The embodiment of Philippians 2:3-4, Ginger valued others above herself, not driven by selfish ambition or vain conceit, but by love and humility.

Ginger was more than the founder of this organization - she was the heart and soul of the Citrus County Family Resource Center. Her visionary mindset and relentless determination turned the idea of the Resource Center into reality. She rallied an army of community volunteers, her extended family, who believed in her mission and worked alongside her to make a difference in the lives of those they served.

Our founder’s compassion extended to everyone, especially those who society often overlooks or dismisses. Ginger’s belief in accepting people as they are, meeting them where they were, and knowing their stories, changed hearts and perspectives. She proved that empathy was never a chore, but a choice, one she made willingly and without regret.

Today, Ginger’s legacy is being upheld and fostered by her foster son, RJ, who has stepped into the role of Executive Director. RJ has been inspired by Ginger's hands-on love for the people of Citrus County and he's committed to continuing and expanding upon her legacy. As he stated upon assuming his new role, “I got to see her hands-on love for people in Citrus County, the people she helped. My main goal is to continue her legacy. The mission and her vision hasn’t changed, but it’s time to expand our programs.”

Her vision and mission persist in every life we touch, every service we provide, and every connection we foster. As we continue to serve our community under RJ's committed leadership, we remember her words: “God will take care of it,” and we see how God always does.

The Citrus County Family Resource Center continues to strive to uphold Ginger’s legacy, serving our community with the same passion, commitment, and love that she exemplified. We invite you to join us in this mission, to follow in Ginger’s and now RJ's footsteps, to continue the work she started, and keep her memory alive in the hearts of those we serve.

Join us in embracing Ginger’s spirit of giving, to ensure her impact in our community continues to ripple into eternity. Together, with RJ leading us forward, we continue her work, guided by her enduring legacy.

An image of the Resource Center's founder, Ginger West
Ginger West

Every Family


Welcome to Ours

An image of the Resource Center's founder, Ginger West
Ginger West

Our story began with the incredible Ginger West, a beacon of hope and resilience, who, along with her late husband, John West, founded the Citrus County Foster Parents Association. Inspired by her steadfast belief in the power of love and compassion, Ginger established the Citrus County Family Resource Center. Known affectionately as the “Chief Elf,” Ginger was committed to ensuring no child in Citrus County would go without presents under the Christmas tree.

A mother to five children and a foster mother to over 300 children, Ginger wore many hats with grace, strength, and unyielding dedication. She embodied the essence of selfless service, always prioritizing the needs of others over her own. The embodiment of Philippians 2:3-4, Ginger valued others above herself, not driven by selfish ambition or vain conceit, but by love and humility.

Ginger was more than the founder of this organization - she was the heart and soul of the Citrus County Family Resource Center. Her visionary mindset and relentless determination turned the idea of the Resource Center into reality. She rallied an army of community volunteers, her extended family, who believed in her mission and worked alongside her to make a difference in the lives of those they served.

Our founder’s compassion extended to everyone, especially those who society often overlooks or dismisses. Ginger’s belief in accepting people as they are, meeting them where they were, and knowing their stories, changed hearts and perspectives. She proved that empathy was never a chore, but a choice, one she made willingly and without regret.

Today, Ginger’s legacy is being upheld and fostered by her foster son, RJ, who has stepped into the role of Executive Director. RJ has been inspired by Ginger's hands-on love for the people of Citrus County and he's committed to continuing and expanding upon her legacy. As he stated upon assuming his new role, “I got to see her hands-on love for people in Citrus County, the people she helped. My main goal is to continue her legacy. The mission and her vision hasn’t changed, but it’s time to expand our programs.”

Her vision and mission persist in every life we touch, every service we provide, and every connection we foster. As we continue to serve our community under RJ's committed leadership, we remember her words: “God will take care of it,” and we see how God always does.

The Citrus County Family Resource Center continues to strive to uphold Ginger’s legacy, serving our community with the same passion, commitment, and love that she exemplified. We invite you to join us in this mission, to follow in Ginger’s and now RJ's footsteps, to continue the work she started, and keep her memory alive in the hearts of those we serve.

Join us in embracing Ginger’s spirit of giving, to ensure her impact in our community continues to ripple into eternity. Together, with RJ leading us forward, we continue her work, guided by her enduring legacy.

Meet our Board Members
Meet the dedicated individuals guiding our mission. Each board member brings unique expertise, passion, and commitment to serving our community.
RJ Fontana
Executive Director
Michelle Cleary
Susan Bou
Vice President
Roberta Lawrence
Phillip West
Kathy Hupchick
Linda Arnold

Become a Volunteer

Volunteers are the backbone of our operations. We offer a variety of roles, fitting all kinds of skills and availability, making it easy for anyone to make a meaningful difference. Join our team and be a part of positive change in our community.

A group photo of CCFRC volunteers.

Become a Volunteer

A group photo of CCFRC volunteers.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our operations. We offer a variety of roles, fitting all kinds of skills and availability, making it easy for anyone to make a meaningful difference. Join our team and be a part of positive change in our community.

An image of a woman with a handful of coins with text that says "Make a Change".

Help us Build Futures

Your generous contributions directly support our center and the services we provide. Every donation, big or small, helps us in our mission to support families and individuals in need.

Help us Build Futures

An image of a woman with a handful of coins and text that says "Make a Change".

Your generous contributions directly support our centers and the services we provide. Every donation, big or small, helps us in our mission to support families and individuals in need.